As you probably may know, ASRock has got some really innovative (more commonly referred to as “just weird”) products and technologies in it’s portfolio. Well, guess what – today they announced their latest one – the AIWI.

But wait one second, doesn’t that sound a bit like Nintendo’s Wii? Well yes, it does kinda rip-off Wii‘s name and even it’s function… in typical ASRock fashion, that is.

“I really, really like the Wii controller, but I’m too darn cheap to buy one for my PC! What do I do? Oh, lookie here – an iPhone, I bet this’ll make an excellent motion controller!”
I’m pretty sure those were the exact thoughts of the ASRock employee who came up with the idea.
The rest of the deal is pretty straightforward – you install the AIWI app on both your iPhone/iPod (and probably iPad, though I really want to see someone use it for that) and PC. And, yeah – you’ve got to have an ASRock mobo. Supported platforms so far are intel’s 1366/1156/775 and AMD’s AM2+/AM3.

Official AIWI site is here.